TaxSmart Risk Management and Insurance Series


Insured at Every Stage - Starting Out

The transition to adulthood is an exciting time that marks true independence. You may have graduated from college, started a job, or even rented your first apartment. With this new freedom comes some real responsibility, including protecting yourself from the financial risks that life can present.

For many young professionals, striking the right balance between parental aid and stepping out on your own is the hallmark of this life stage.

In our eBook Insured at Every Stage - Staring Out we offer some guidance as you review your insurance strategy and decide how to protect your financial future.


Insured at Every Stage - Getting Married

Marriage changes everything, including insurance needs. Even if you and your spouse lived together and shared expenses while dating, you may have new responsibilities — and opportunities — for your insurance policies.

In our eBook Insured at Every Stage - Getting Married we’ll help you better understand the insurance landscape after marriage. Use this information as you analyze both your joint and individual policies to determine if any changes are in order. Then, consider whether you need additional insurance in this new life stage


Insured at Every Stage - Raising a Family

For many of us, starting a family is one of the most joyful stages of life’s journey.

While this period is marked by excitement and optimism towards the future, it’s also a period of transition in which we take on an unprecedented level of responsibility and financial obligation. Raising children can increase your insurance needs and heighten the urgency for having enough coverage. If something were to happen to you and/or your spouse, the stakes are much higher when your children’s safety and future could also be at risk.

Amid the increasing expenses and life demands that come with parenthood, thinking about your insurance needs can be tough. But in our eBook Insured at Every Stage - Raising a Family we’ll help you consider what is at stake and make sure you’re protecting your family from whatever life may throw your way.


Insured at Every Stage - The Golden Years

Later adulthood brings with it just as many changes and opportunities as the bloom of youth. If you have children setting out on their own paths, many aspects of your financial life and priorities change. And whether you have children or not, approaching retirement has a way of crystallizing your financial focus.

At this stage, you may very likely be at the height of your earning power and near your peak savings as you lay the groundwork for retirement.

During this final leg to retirement– and throughout your retirement period–wealth protection is critical and in our eBook Insured at Every Stage - The Golden Years we’ll take you through which insurance you’ll want to consider that protects you against an array of financial risks.