tax cuts

The Flat Tax for C-Corporations

With the new tax law (TCJA Act), there has been a permanent flat 21% tax rate on C-corporations from January 1st, 2018, naturally many tax payers may be interested in switching their entity to C-corporation to evade paying high tax.

Dis-Union: States' Workarounds for the $10,000 Limit on the State and Local Tax Deduction

Dis-Union: States' Workarounds for the $10,000 Limit on the State and Local Tax Deduction

The 2017 tax law Tax Cut and Jobs Act (TCJA) allows individual tax payers a detailed deduction for state and local income, real property and personal property taxes. For tax years from 2018 through 2025, the TCJA under its sub section, disallows individual tax payers from subtracting more than $10,000 in state and local taxes.

Free Agent Scores Spicy Signing Bonus

Free Agent Scores Spicy Signing Bonus

Big corporations with thousands of employees generally prefer playing “Hometown Hero,” so long as it suits their business goals. But corporations can play “Free Agent” too. They can even pocket fat signing bonuses when they do it, in the form of rich tax breaks in their new hometowns.